In most situations, it is preferable to get along with your neighbors, since you might see and interact with them on a daily basis. When a property dispute arises between neighbors, it can quickly sour the relationship or even lead to litigation if the matter is not addressed properly and promptly. If you have a legal conflict with a neighbor about your property rights, contact a real estate lawyer in Beverly Hills for help.
Common Conflicts
The two most common types of neighbor disputes involve one of the following:
- Easements – In some cases, property owners might have easement rights to an adjacent property, which means you have the right to use or access your neighbor's property on a limited basis, or vice versa. Your neighbor might begin to deny your easement rights or might overstep the limitations of their easement rights on your property, which can lead to a dispute.
- Boundaries – Property descriptions and boundary lines can be confusing, and it can be easy for a neighbor to wrongly estimate property lines. Perhaps your neighbor puts up a shed, believing it is within their own property. You later have your property surveyed and realize the structure is encroaching over the line, which leads to a conflict.
If either of the above conflicts arise, there are different ways to resolve the matter, and you should speak to an attorney as soon as possible. Some ways we work to resolve these disputes include:
- Informal negotiation with your neighbor
- Cease and desist letters, which are often effective when from a law firm
- Mediation
- Litigation
Discuss the Matter with a Real Estate in Beverly Hills
Not every neighbor dispute needs to go to court, and you can save time and money with the right lawyer helping to resolve the matter quickly. The Law Offices of Jon H. Freis helps clients resolve many types of real estate disputes, so please contact us online or call 310.276.1218 for a consultation.
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