Contract Disputes
Working to Resolve Contract Disputes as Efficiently and Favorably as Possible
Every time a company enters into a contract – which is often – it runs the risk that the agreement will fall through in some way. Even though another party signs a legally binding contract and agrees to certain terms, there is always the possibility that party will be unable or unwilling to meet their end of the bargain. Whether a party to your contract fails to pay for services or does not provide the right supplies that your business paid for, you should contact an experienced contract dispute lawyer as soon as you suspect a problem is developing with a particular agreement. Contact the Law Offices of Jon H. Freis for assistance right away.
Resolving Contract Disputes
A dispute can quickly arise if you believe another party is not abiding by the terms of the contract, or if another party accuses your company of breaching the contract. If someone does not fulfill their part of the agreement, it can be costly for your business. On the other hand, being found liable for breach of contract can also result in financial liability. For these reasons, you want to address and resolve a contract dispute as soon as it arises.
An experienced attorney can help resolve these disputes in different ways, including:
- Negotiation with the other party
- Mediation
- Arbitration
- Litigation
The resolution method will depend on the position of the other party, dispute resolution provisions of the contract, and other factors.
Consult with Our Experienced Contract Disputes Lawyer
The Law Offices of Jon H. Freis works to find effective and efficient solutions to contract-related disagreements to save resources for your business. If you would like to discuss how a contract dispute attorney can assist you, call 310-276-1218 or contact us online to set up an appointment.